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Our team consists of 8 members divided into a local and international team, and a board. This organization structure allows us to give 100 % of our resources to Laos.
We pay the local team members a fair salary, whilst all other activity happens from all around the world by our international team of volunteers. 


Local leader & Founder

Aay Sinthala

Aay manages the local team, projects and partnerships, in addition to teaching once in a while. Aay's favorite aspect of our organization is when our students and volunteers meet. Aay receives a salary from our organization.


Social Media & Recycling

Daeng Saeng A Loun

Daeng is managing our social media channels and is also important for our Ecobrick collection and education!

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Manager & Founder

Åshild Aarø

Åshild is the manager of our organization, and is working on Clean the Jungle. She is one of the founders of our organization.


Project Manager & Founder

Eirik Langeland

Eirik works within Clean the Jungle and is one of the founders of our organization. 


Financial Manager

Jørn Valgermo

Jørn administrate the finances of our organization, which includes managing our budget and accounting. 

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Member of the Board

Anders Fosse

Anders is a member of the board, and focuses on marketing and communication.



Ana Langsy

I work in administration at Phamai where I am responsible for managing overall activity of the organisation and ensuring the smooth flow of communication runs between the international and local teams.


Volunteer Manager & Founder

Mari Abrahamsen

Mari coordinate international volunteers with what we do at local level. She is also one of the founders of our organization. 


Project Manager 

Kristoffer B. Hauge

I’m the project manager at Phamai. I love beeing outdoors, either it’s hiking in the mountains or surfing and swimming in the ocean. Now I want to use my education in business administration and ocean technology to preserve and protect our beautiful nature.


Eduaction Manager

Maria Olsen

Maria collaborates closely with the local team in Laos to offer our students a quality education through the Learning Lab.


Chair of Board

Rose Keen

Rose keen is the Chair of our Board and uses her knowledge in strategy and planning to take our organization to new heights.


Member of the Board

Tim Ringrose

Tim is a member of the board. He uses his knowledge of Asia to connect our organization to others who share our vision for Laos.

The Kavli Trust

The Kavli Trust has contributed funding to help establish our organisation and the learning lab for  our children in Aay's Village. Support from the trust made it possible, for example, to buy in tablets and educational apps for the centre, which provides daily lessons for 150 children.

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