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Our mission is to provide valauble education to children  and contribute on community projects to sustainably use resources to increase tourism to the village.

Valuable Education

We aim to give children in the village a possibility to learn English and IT as a starting point to help them secure a better future for themselves and their families. Furthermore, we recognise that there are other subjects that are somewhat neglected in the village’s current education. We also integrated what we call awareness education into the lessons, concerning subjects of values, responsibility and equality.  

English is crucial in order for the village to welcome foreigners and possibly set up small businesses based on tourism in their village. Their ability to communicate with tourists can make or break the future of their family. Additionally, the skill of speaking sufficient English is a tool which can give the children better future prospects.

IT is important in order to close the digital gap between the rich and the poor and it is a great tool for self-help and further education for the villagers.

The children of Laos deserve the possibility to create a better future for themselves

We also focus on Awareness Education: spreading information on gender equality, sustainability, environment, health, racism, the UN Convention of Children Rights and human rights in general. These are sensitive issues in many societies due to long held beliefs, historical conflicts and ongoing imbalance of ideals that lead to discrimination and violence. It’s certainly not an easy subject to discuss, but all the more important to address.

Aay's Village - a non-profit in the jungle of Laos
  • We strive to inform the children on the different subjects in our awareness education. We want to encourage the students to analyse, reflect on and explore the topics we present.  

  • Instead of serving subjects as one absolute truth, we promote discussion and critical thinking. We never put forward definite opinions, but rather guide and ask questions to help the children reflect on their own perceptions.

  • We will not only encourage discussions of values and awareness with the children, but also promote dialogue concerning these topics with other teachers and with the community around our organization. We want to be a place advocating peace and equality through open reflection and discussion.

We want the children to learn by doing, appreciate reflection and think critically, which is not the typical learning style in Asia. Valuable education is given to children from around 8-16 years old and their local teachers. The education is based on the child's’ personal level, and our focus is always on quality, rather than of quantity. We emphasize the importance of following up their individual learning frequency.

Boost Village Economy by Empowering Local Workforce

It is crucial to our success that the village’s visitors increase is sustainable and that visitors leave as small environmental footprints as possible. Information on how to be sustainable will be provided to visitors as well as villagers, as we believe the beautiful, healthy and breathing nature should not be jeopardized because of our mission.

Aay's Village - a non-profit in the jungle of Laos

Southeast Asia has never been more visited by tourists than today, and Laos has also been put on the map during the recent years. Increased tourism means everything for poor communities, as it gives them a possibility to create work opportunities in and around tourism. Our mission is to increase village visits in a sustainable way.


Our mission is for the village to start social enterprises such as tourist attractions, restaurants and hostels around the stream of new customers that the project will provide in the future. Who knows where they can develop from there. Therefore, we will provide simple business classes for those who seek advice on how to establish and manage small businesses like restaurants, hostels and nature activities. Lectures on micro and macro economy, finance, marketing, structure and strategy is important steps towards long-term success of these new businesses. Even though it is an obvious part of our ethical ground stand, it is important to mention that we will pay a fair wage to our local workforce and provide work for women and men equally. We will also be careful in our approach in order for the village projects to be locally grounded and maintained.

Aay's Village - a non-profit in the jungle of Laos

Left photo: These guys renowated our project house! Two right photos: Traditional Lao skirts in the making


Apply to volunteer with us today for an incredible experience in the jungle of Laos. 


Do you have any questions or tips for us? Feel free to contact us at any time, and we will answer within 48 hours. 

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